NELGA DAAD Announces Second Summer School on Land Governance in Ghana

In February 2019, NELGA held its scholarship holders’ first summer school and research development workshop in Ghana. Hosted by the NELGA Anglophone West Africa (AWA) node (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)), the workshop sets the stage for NELGA DAAD-scholarship holders to meet experts in land governance, learn and share ideas and network with NELGA scholars and trainers. This first edition of the summer school provided a platform for in-house training on different tools for research data collection and analysis.
Following the success of the 2019 edition, NELGA AWA will organize a second summer school in 2022 to provide further assistance to scholarship holders in personal branding, mentorship and entrepreneurship, which are essential for preparing scholarship holders for the job market. The aim of the summer school is also to allow the NELGA-DAAD scholarship holders to present and discuss their research work, methodological design and preliminary results in a constructive atmosphere. Candidates will receive feedback from external experts, fellow candidates and supervisors. KNUST will compile the experiences of alumni from which current scholarship holders can learn and benefit. At the end of the summer school, a platform will be created and sustained where fellows and alumni will interact and receive regular information and updates on land governance issues, job vacancies, scholarship opportunities for further training and other career development prospects.
Against these backgrounds, the summer school will discuss different concepts, theories and epistemological approaches with supervisors, external experts and researchers; Introduce scholars to time management; Introduce scholars to the art of writing successful research thesis and getting published; Prepare scholarship holders for the job market; and Foster collaboration and networking among scholars, KNUST, and alumni.
Click here to view the course content, trainers, schedule, assessment and other information.
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