Moroccan Government, NELGA North Africa Hosts Series of Meetings to Improve Land Academia-Industry Collaboration
From June 27 to 29, 2022, land experts from across Africa will meet in Rabat, Morocco under the invitation of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forest, H.E Mohammed Sadiki and NEGA North Africa node, to improve the research-policy synergy in the country and Africa.
This event brings together national, regional, and international experts to build a concrete framework of collaboration between academia and industry in the domain of land policy and land governance. The meeting discussion goes beyond analysing the traditional challenges to an effective academia-industry relationship but also addresses new issues such as developing efficient dialogue and communication platforms which transform research into marketable products.
The three-day event will address the following themes:
- Academia-industry interaction strategy on land policy and land governance,
- Actor’s point of view on land tenure management strategies: what is land governance?
- Land tenure systems and land rights issues regarding women, young people, and the community,
- Regulatory, Institutional, and technical considerations of Land Governance Policy and
- The integration of Géo-ICT in land policy and land governance.
The event will also discuss challenges; addressing questions of how to develop land policy strategies, establish land governance paradigms, and promote research programs that encourage knowledge sharing by creating awareness among researchers about pitching research in the right environment to create greater impact.
It is expected that the meeting will address the main demands of industry towards implementing research-based responses to land policy development while reinforcing knowledge sharing and technology transfer as essential in creating a comprehensive set of best practices and marketable products. It is also expected that the meeting will establish a reference guide on land governance expertise which enables the collaborative framework between academia and the government.
To register, click here: Meeting Registration – Zoom