ADLAND, TUM, and NELGA to Hold Series of Capacity Building Events on Land Governance in Africa
From November 30 to December 18, 2020, Advancing Collaborative Research in Responsible and Smart Land Management in and for Africa (ADLAND), the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and NELGA will host various events to bridge some gaps in land governance studies in Africa.
On November 30, ALDLAND, TUM, NELGA, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana, will jointly review and revise the curricula for Ph.D. on Land Management and Governance. The team will revise the curriculum against ALPC requirements and other international standards and experiences. The revised curriculum will be forwarded for internal review. The remote meeting provides the opportunity to introduce adaptation measures and improvements in meeting the current land governance context and AU Agenda on Land.
Following this meeting, on December 18, working with the University of Zimbabwe, ADLAND will build NELGA members’ capacity, especially researchers and academics, on publishing and editing skills. The online seminar aims to support the University of Zimbabwe on the publication process of the book “Developing Sustainable and Smart Human Settlements: An African Context”.
The training will look at the tips and tricks on writing book chapters and scientific papers, editing, reviewing, dealing with reviewers, feedback on book structure, and costs and finances.
These meetings are restricted to NELGA member universities but interested parties can contact the following:
Online Seminar on Publishing and Editing
Dr. Charles Chavunduka
University of Zimbabwe
Department of Architecture and Real Estate
Remote Curricula Study
Eric Tudzi
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology