News & Events Search & Filter Keywords Tags abstractsafricaAfrica Climate SummitAfrican JournalAfrican Unionagricultural developmentagricultureALPCbahir darBotswanaBurkina fasoCamerooncentral africaCLPAconferenceCoronaCorona VirusCote d'voireCOVID-19curriculaDAADDeutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbHEALANEast Africaeducation in kenyaEgyptEmbraceequityEthiopiafeaturedFellowshipFood SecurityGeospatialGIZGood practiceInternational Youth DayinternshipIWD africajohannes lineekelomweneJournalLabour Market IntegrationLANDland capitalLand conflictLand DataLand DevelopmentLand GovernanceLand Governance Strategyland in kenyaland investmentland leaseland lease tenderland ownershipLand policyLand portalland researchland revenueLand rightsLand tenurelandownershipMastersMilo LandMOOCmoroccoNAIPnamibiaNELGAnetworkNEXNorth AfricaNUSTPHDPostgraduatepublicationResearchResearch Grantrural developmentrural womenRwandaScholarshipSciencesscientific writingSenegalSierra LeoneSLGASothern Africasouth africasuccess storySucess StoryTanzaniaTrainingUgandaUGBUniversity of Yaounde 1urban leaseurban revenuevalue captureWebinarWest Africawomen access to landwomen land rightswomen land rights in africaYouth Day Category Call for applicationNewsResearch callSuccess storiestrainingsUncategorizedWebinar Search Sub-Regional Workshop Capitalizes on and Consolidates the Achievements of NELGA Central Africa: 22/05/2024 Boosting Resilience: Organic Solutions for Africa’s Soil Health and Small-Scale Farmers 20/05/2024 Shaping Tomorrow’s Land Leaders: NELGA and UGB to Introduce New Professional Degree in Land Governance 17/05/2024 Research Forum on Land Policy: Dialogue Promoting Research in North Africa 07/05/2024 Enhancing Sustainable Land Governance: NELGA’s Collaboration with PLAAS 26/04/2024 Empowering Women: Webinar on Women’s Land Access Rights in North Africa 03/04/2024 Deadline Extended -Call for Proposals for NELGA/DAAD Postdoc Fellowship -2024 18/03/2024 Strengthening Land Governance: Highlights from Uganda’s Capacity Development Workshop 15/03/2024 Bridging Gaps in Research Communication 12/03/2024 Unlocking Borders: A Professor’s Impactful Contribution to Land Governance 08/03/2024 Pioneering Women in Land Governance: Inspiring Change and Progress 07/03/2024 NELGA Central Africa: Methodological tools made available to young researchers working on land tenure issues 06/03/2024 «12345…21»