IGAD – consultancy opportunities
In the context of the IGAD land governance program, the Regional Economic Community is commissioning several consultancies. Please see the following link: https://www.igad.int/2016-05-24-03-25-55/consultancies
The consultancies cover the following areas:
1) Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the following consultancy services under the Land Governance Prgram:
- Consultancy Services of Documentation of Best Practices on the Nexus of Land Governance and the Multiverse of Women in the IGAD Region.
- Consultancy Services Photography and Production of a Coffee Table Book on the Multiverse of Women in the IGAD Region.
- Consultancy service for Production of a Documentary on the Multiverse of Women in the IGAD Region.
2) Request for Expression of Interests (REOIs) for the following consultancy services under the Land Governance Program:
- Consultancy Services to Conduct a National Gender Assessment of the Land Sector in IGAD Member States.
- Consultancy Services Developing a Practice Manual and Tools for Mainstreaming Gender in the Implementation of Land Reforms and Practices.
- Consultancy service for “Developing a Model/Prototypical Gender Responsive National Land Policy.
- Develop a Gender Responsive Practice Manual for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Resolution of Administrative Disputes arising out of Land Adjudication.
- Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) mainstreamed by gender for standardized land services provision
Note that the deadline of all will be 15th November 2019.