Tag: Land Governance

Join NELGA’s Knowledge Session at CLPA23: The Role of Academic Institutions in African Land Governance

NELGA invites you to a captivating knowledge exchange and sharing session at the CLPA23. Taking place on Wednesday, November 22, from 11:15 am to 12:45 pm, the session will delve into the crucial role of academic institutions in shaping land governance across Africa.

Background: NELGA, a consortium of esteemed African universities and institutions, is committed to enhancing both institutional and human capacities to address the challenges affecting land governance in Africa. Responding to the ‘Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa’ by African Heads of State, NELGA has actively engaged in building capacities through training, research, curriculum development, and various initiatives aimed at fostering open access knowledge sharing.

This CLPA23 side event aims to explore the pivotal role of academia in advancing capacities for land governance in Africa. It also seeks to showcase NELGA’s accomplishments, providing a platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge between academia, professionals, and stakeholders. The session is designed to attract new partners by highlighting NELGA’s achievements and contributions to land governance.

Agenda: Chaired by Prof. Ruth Hall, the session will feature a moderated panel discussion with distinguished speakers:

  • Prof. Herbert Robinson: General remarks on the role of academic institutions in land governance in Africa.
  • Dr. Agnes Mwasumbi: An overview of NELGA, its objectives, and benefits to member universities.
  • Prof. John Bugri: Insights into how NELGA universities support land governance curricula and training opportunities.
  • Prof. Eugene Chigbu: Discussion on NELGA’s research focus and its impact on policy processes in land governance.
  • Prof. Moha-El Ayachi: Exploring NELGA’s sustainability, partnerships, and avenues for new collaborators.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a dynamic discussion on the role of academia in shaping the future of land governance in Africa. Join us at CLPA23 on November 22 from 11:15 am to 12:45 pm and be a part of the conversation. Together, let’s build capacities for sustainable land governance in Africa.

Empowering Local Government Leaders: Ardhi University and Partners’ Land Governance Training

The Ardhi University (a NELGA member university), in collaboration with GIZ and the Kibaha District Council, organized a targeted training program on September 26, 2023. This initiative united diverse stakeholders, from village leaders to councilors; focusing on enhancing awareness of Tanzanian land law and management practices.

The training comprised three key segments: an introduction to general land matters, in-depth discussions on specific topics including gender-related issues in land management, and an interactive session for questions and open dialogue. By involving leaders at various levels, the program emphasized the vital role these individuals play in responsible land resource utilization.

This collaborative effort not only demonstrates the commitment of Ardhi University and GIZ to promoting good land governance but also showcases their dedication to capacity-building and knowledge dissemination. Empowering local leaders with profound insights, the initiative paves the way for sustainable land use, ensuring equitable benefits for communities and the environment.

In essence, Ardhi University and its partners have taken a significant step towards fostering informed leaders, shaping a more equitable and sustainable future for Tanzania.

NELGA Highlights from the Africa Climate Summit: Land Governance and Climate Change Side Event

On September 7, the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) played a pivotal role in an important side event at the Africa Climate Week in Nairobi, Kenya. The event, held at the African Union House/Pavilion, focused on the critical theme of “Effective land use and governance: Pivotal elements in Africa’s efforts towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change,” contributing significantly to broader discussions encompassing agriculture, land, ocean, food, and water.

The session began with opening remarks from the African Union (AU) by Dr. Janet Edeme, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of land governance. She stated, “The key focus of this side event is to explore and ensure a common understanding of experiences from different stakeholders and champion the implementation of the AU Agenda on Land.”

The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa on behalf of AU Commissioner Josefa L.C. Sacko, providing valuable insights into the wide-ranging implications of climate change on land governance.

Following this, expert panel discussions ensued, featuring contributions from distinguished individuals such as NELGA member, Professor Sylvana Rudith King.  The panel also included Japhet Seulu, the Chief Operation Officer for Carbon and Conservation at Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO) who was also representing the GIZ Climate Resilience and Management of Natural Resources in the SADC Region Initiative; Ms. Marealle Maria Saguti, African Development Bank (AfDB) who spoke about the intersection between climate change, gender, and land tenure; Mr. Japheth Kasimbu the Transhumance Expert at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), who discussed Pastoralists’ Responses to Climate Hazards in the Horn of Africa and Mr. Audace Kubwimana, Africa Regional Coordinator at the International Land Coalition, speaking on the role of people centered land governance in addressing the climate crises and building sustainable food systems in Africa.

The experts emphasized the importance of policy revisions, integrated land-use planning, climate-smart practices, and the intersection of climate change with gender and land tenure, among other critical topics. Professor King highlighted the need for policy implementation, stating, “We need to invest in policy implementation to tackle issues of land governance, increase resilience, and build capacity for smallholder farmers to cope with climate change.”

An engaging Q&A session further enriched the discourse, with active participation from the audience. The side event culminated with messages of solidarity from influential organizations such as the International Land Coalition, GIZ, and various government representatives. Their messages underscored the imperative need for collaborative efforts to comprehensively address climate change.

The side event served as a platform to emphasize the pivotal role of land use and governance in addressing climate change and fostering climate resilience in Africa. It provided an exceptional opportunity for stakeholders to exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions to these pressing challenges. This event marks a significant milestone in NELGA’s unwavering commitment to effective land governance, crucial for enhancing climate resilience across Africa.

Recap: Development of Capacity Building Needs for Land Institutions in Cameroon

From July 5th to July 6th, 2023, the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) organized a two-day workshop in Mbalmayo, Cameroon, to address the needs of land governance institutions in the country. The workshop took place at the Centre D’accueil Notre Dame Du Perpétuel Secours de Mbalmayo and brought together various state institutions working on land issues, including the Ministry of Lands, Cadastre, and Land Affairs (MINDCAF), Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, and Animal Industries of Cameroon (MINEPIA), Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF), and others. Also present were academics from several universities, representatives from civil society organizations, technical and financial partners, and the NELGA Central Africa coordination team.

The main objectives of the workshop were to introduce NELGA, its vision, objectives, and activities, present the activities of the participating institutions related to land governance, identify and collect their capacity-building needs, present the NELGA focal points and their roles, and explore collaboration opportunities between these institutions and NELGA.

The workshop included plenary sessions and individual work sessions. During the plenary session, NELGA was presented in detail, highlighting its achievements and ongoing activities. The roles of the focal points within the administrations were clarified, emphasizing their roles as liaisons, facilitators, mediators, and sources of information.

During the individual work sessions, each institution presented the activities they have implemented related to land, the challenges faced during their implementation, and the identified capacity-building needs. The information gathered from these sessions allowed a better understanding of the ongoing activities and identified the capacity-building needs in land matters to help Cameroon contribute effectively to the implementation of the African Union land agenda.

The main identified capacity-building needs include basic knowledge about the historical land regime and its application to different sectors, understanding the laws and legal documents governing land and domain in Cameroon, modern cadastral techniques and archiving of land documents at the local level, traditional, administrative, and judicial conflict resolution procedures based on conflict typology, reinforcement of expertise in land disputes and land law, particularly focusing on securing customary rights, and strengthening advocacy skills among traditional leaders, parliamentarians, and rural communities.

The workshop also highlighted potential synergies, particularly with MINDCAF, which could serve as an information and training hub for land policy and legislation in Cameroon.

This workshop marks an important step in strengthening NELGA’s presence in Cameroon and enhancing collaboration and coordination among land institutions in the country. The results obtained and the future prospects offer a promising path towards realizing NELGA’s vision in Central Africa, particularly in Cameroon.

Promoting Peaceful Transhumance: NELGA’s Efforts in Addressing Land Tenure Challenges

NELGA Central Africa is set to organize a side event on transhumance on the 10th of July 2023 at the Second International Conference of Ministers on Transboundary Transhumance at the initiative of the Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). The side event, titled” Land Governance and Sustainable Policies to Manage Transhumance ” aims to highlight the crucial role of land tenure in transhumance and facilitate dialogue among diverse stakeholders involved in transhumance practices.

Transboundary transhumance, the seasonal movement of livestock herds from one country to another, often leads to conflicts, particularly regarding land use. NELGA recognizes the importance of addressing these conflicts to ensure peaceful and sustainable transhumance across borders. By integrating land issues into political and diplomatic discussions, NELGA seeks to contribute to the development of sustainable land policies that support peaceful transhumance.

The side event, with Professor Paul Tchawa, NELGA Central Africa Coordinator, as moderator, will outline NELGA’s contributions to sustainable land policies for peaceful transhumance. Participants will engage in discussions, share experiences, and explore potential solutions to challenges associated with land tenure in transhumance.

The event expects the participation of government representatives, civil society, academics, and technical and financial partners. By promoting NELGA’s work and raising awareness about the realities of land tenure, the event aims to foster collaboration and sensitize stakeholders to the importance of integrating land tenure into transhumance policies.

NELGA’s engagement in this side event aligns with its overarching goal of strengthening land governance in Africa. Through the provision of decision-making tools and collaboration among stakeholders, NELGA empowers actors involved in transhumance and contributes to the implementation of the African Union’s land agenda.

With the conference on the horizon, this event holds great promise as a critical platform for knowledge-sharing and open dialogue concerning land tenure issues. It represents a significant step towards achieving sustainable and peaceful transhumance in Africa.

Registration open! The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa into a Powerhouse of the Future

Date & Time: Jun 22, 2023, 03:00 PM EAT

Discover how effective land data governance can transform Africa into a powerhouse of the future! We invite you to join our engaging webinar, co-organized by GIZ, BMZ, and NELGA.

This webinar aims to empower researchers and practitioners across Africa by enhancing their understanding of sustainable approaches to land data governance. By showcasing the significance of robust land data governance, we will explore its potential to improve property rights and streamline government services.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into how enhanced data governance can foster ethical and transparent land-related activities for individuals, communities, businesses, and government agencies. The webinar will also present real-world examples of SOLI research conducted in Southern African countries through a collaborative effort between the Land Portal Foundation and NELGA researchers.

Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation available in French, Portuguese, and Spanish)

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the journey towards unlocking Africa’s potential through effective land data management. Register Here.

UGB Land Management Students Gain Practical Knowledge on Pedagogical Field Trip

On April 12 and 13, 2023, Master’s Students in Land Governance and Land Management from the Université Gaston Berger in Senegal embarked on a pedagogical field excursion in the country under the supervision of Professor Samba Traoré. The excursion, which was supplementary to the student’s professional training, spanned two days and two locations. The itinerary included visits to the Ross-Bethio-based SAED delegation in Dagana and the Bokhol community.

The excursion aimed to disseminate theoretical and practical knowledge regarding land governance, including its issues and proposed solutions. The specific objectives consisted of a pedagogical component and a scientific component, both of which were pursued to ensure the smooth operation of the educational excursion on land.

The first stop was the Ross-Bethio-based SAED delegation in Dagana. The heads of the local SAED welcomed the group. They presented the instruments used for land management and the objectives, functions, roles, and policies for land management and spatial planning in support of eleven regional municipalities.

The second visit was to the municipal town hall of Bokhol. The mayor and his associates described the municipal issues and the difficulties it faces vis-à-vis its neighbours, notably those associated with the delimitation and division of different land bases. As residents of the communes of Bokhol, Gaya and Dagana have customary rights to land in other communes, which is regarded as the primary source of conflict within these communities. To preserve these relationships, the mayor permits other municipalities to exploit BOKHOL’s properties, even though this violates Law No. 64-46 of 17 June 1964.

During the visit, the team could comprehend the significance of SAED’s land management methods in the Senegal River Valley region. They also grasped the society’s relationship with territorial collectivities and populations and the procedure for utilising its services.

Students expanded their knowledge of land management in the Senegal River Valley. They learned about the difficulties faced by the populations, particularly in the Bokhol region, where water is scarce for agriculture during the off-season in the djieri, where most of the commune’s land is situated. Aside from this, no land office addresses challenges associated with local land management.

The educational field excursion was essential for the enhancement of theoretical knowledge in the field of land governance and territorial administration. The purpose of the excursion was to prepare the students for professional life, particularly in land management administration and related services. The excursion provided students with the practical knowledge and operational skills necessary to improve land and resource management in the country. The pedagogical field excursion was required and essential for the student’s professional development. The trip provided students with an in-depth comprehension of land management in the Senegal River Valley and the difficulties faced by the local population. Students could comprehend the working methods of SAED and their significance in land management, spatial planning, and the relationship between territorial collectivities and populations as a result of this excursion. Students could apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world situations and acquire practical knowledge and operational skills through this expedition. The knowledge gained on the trip will unquestionably contribute to improving the country’s land governance and territorial management. Students left with a deeper comprehension of the challenges and opportunities in the field of land management.

To view the full report, click here.

Sub-Regional Seminar Empowers Doctoral Students in Francophone West Africa to Improve Land Governance

From 28 to 29 April 2023, the Network of Excellence on Land Governance, Francophone West Africa (NELGA-AOF) node, hosted a sub-regional seminar for doctoral candidates working in the land administration and policy space. The seminars, held at the Résidences Mamoune hotel in Dakar, Senegal, were intended to satisfy the needs of human and institutional capacity building needs to improve land governance actions at national and regional levels.

The training had in attendance university instructors who are members of the NELGA-AOF Network, technical and financial partners, and doctoral students. Speakers at the opening ceremony included the NELGA Centre Coordinator, the Doctoral School Director, the GIZ representative, and the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences Director at the Université Gaston Berger (UGB).

Among several sessions, the seminar featured a roundtable discussion on land governance challenges in Africa, including land insecurity, conflicts, rising inequalities, and substantial foreign investment. The session also addressed the motivations and alternatives for land reform, including redistributive reform, land tenure reform, and land administration reform.

Two doctoral commissions were presented at the seminar, with most of their work focusing on presenting research findings. The instructors provided feedback on the work’s content and style and provided advisory support towards enhancing the doctoral students’ work.

The seminar concluded with several recommendations, including the need for formative and complementary doctorates to increase competitiveness. Participants suggested mobilising additional resources to organise frequent doctorate student exchanges with other countries through the NELGA network. It was also recommended that doctoral students should reexamine their subjects and evaluate analyses of poorly-formulated issues. In addition, they were instructed to pay close attention to the use of concepts and to present their research results using pre-defined templates.

The sub-regional training seminar for land-related doctoral students was a success, providing an opportunity for capacity development and information exchange. The participant recommendations and follow-up actions will unquestionably improve land administration in Francophone West Africa and beyond.

Find the detailed report here.

NELGA-SA Partners’ Assembly Establishes Governance Board for Project Success

The 2nd NELGA-SA Partners’ Assembly was held on May 19th, 2023, to discuss the work plan and governance structure of the NELGA-SA project. The meeting brought together representatives from different institutions within the NELGA-SA network.

The meeting updated the work plan and reviewed the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Governance Board’s structure and functions. The Governance Board’s composition, functions, and ex-officio members were agreed upon, with the coordinator tasked with calling for the inaugural meeting of NELGA-SA governance board members by the first week of June 2023.

Five non-NUST representatives were endorsed to serve on the Governance Board, ensuring diverse perspectives, effective decision-making, and sustainable land governance in Southern Africa. Establishing the Governance Board is a significant milestone towards achieving the project’s objectives, which aim to promote land governance in Southern Africa for sustainable development.

The assembly was fruitful, and crucial decisions were made regarding the project’s governance structure and responsibilities. Establishing the Governance Board, which will ensure strategic direction, efficient decision-making, and sustainable land governance in Southern Africa, has set the NELGA-SA project up for success.

Registration Open: NELGA Knowledge Exchange Forum on Responsible Land Investments in Africa

The NELGA Knowledge Exchange Forum is an essential platform that brings together experts, policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in Africa’s land governance field. Its primary objective is to facilitate sharing of information, ideas, and best practices pertinent to African land administration. With land as a limited resource that significantly affects sustainable development, it is imperative to conduct a webinar on the topic of responsible governance of land investments in Africa.

The Responsible Governance of Investment in Land (RGIL) project in Ethiopia, Laos, and Uganda, funded by GIZ, will be the focus of this edition of the NEX. The seminar aims to promote the responsible use of land resources, which can potentially result in Africa’s economic and social transformation. The webinar will identify best practices regarding “what works,” emphasising techniques for minimising negative and maximising positive outcomes and measures to ensure that land investments are transparent, inclusive, and participatory.

The importance of secure land rights has been increasingly recognised by the international community. Several international initiatives and guidelines have been implemented to improve land policy. However, responsible land governance has been challenging to implement, leading to the need for worldwide discussions. The NELGA Knowledge Exchange Forum contributes significantly to promoting sustainable land managementequitable access to land, and inclusive management of the continent’s land resources.

The webinar will address critical questions on existing principles and guidelines on responsible investments in land, how these principles/guidelines can be incorporated into relevant academic curricula development/review, and how different communities can be engaged in practising these principles.

Kindly contact us to be part of the webinar.

Find more information, click here.